While I was researching Sigmund Freud's ideas on humour I rediscovered his automatic writing technique and I remembered learning last year how Surrealist artists adopted this idea to drawing. At this stage I was getting weary of the basic drawings, sketches, etchings and I wanted to do something that would keep me occupied for a while. It didn't have anything to do with the idea I was going with but I wanted a break from my concept without having to stop working.
So over two days I shut away all reference material, blanked my mind and started drawing with nothing in mind. I wanted to let the drawing evolve into whatever it happened to turn into and to be honest I surprised myself!
Here's the result.
It's A3 sized and the photos below are just close ups.
It was fun to do! I'd never tried automatic drawing before and I didn't use a lot of colour this semester, so it was a nice change from the naive childish cartoon doodles i was doing so much of!