Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Here's the results of my ideas put into practice.  I went a bit mad with these!  Enjoy!

 This one is my favourite because I think it came out the best and is the funniest one out of the lot.  This one will be my final proposal.

I had two more ideas after this.  One was to put my head on top of the christmas tree (which I never got around to doing) and to make myself the new Rory Gallagher.  Here are the pictures I took.

The pictures of the camera are going to be photoshopped into some of my selfies.  They will be hitting me on the head, making me dizzy.  This will be inspired by a bad joke I heard.  
"I got hit on the head with a camera.... now I'm getting flashbacks".

I had the idea of making my head poke out of the sound hole of my guitar for humorous results, so I got a few pictures of my guitar.

I proceeded to take more of these weird faces as well as pictures mainly around my house and my dog.