Sunday, 21 February 2016

We have a photography project consisting of 4 photographs dealing with line, tone, texture and pattern.  The project I set for myself this year deals with the symbols of the natural environment, in particular, things and places I grew up with.  I'm fascinated by how you can take an object (be it a stone or a piece of wood) and make it look like something completely different through different lighting settings in the photo studio and with a few small tweaks in photoshop.

Here they are.
Looks a bit like mountains from above.

Reminds me of the moon.

Tree of life-small vines growing around the tree kind of remind me of the veins on someones hand.

Your eye is guided from the first telephone post along the wire to look out at the city in the distance.
The cows in the corner give it a quiet, serene scene kind of like we're looking out at all the noisy, busy and often stressful life of living in a city from this calm, relaxing place.

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