Tuesday, 8 November 2016

So what makes Donald Trump so different from the rest of the other politicians?  While politicians are often greedy, corrupt and in power for their own benefit, I think Trump has set a new low standard.

After reading various articles about him which are linked in the previous post, I learned some scary things about him.  Here's what's on his to do list.

1) Build a wall between the US and Mexico to keep immigrants out.
2) Make Mexico pay for that wall.
3) Round up and deport the 12 million immigrants currently working in the U.S.
4) May use nuclear warfare (the U.S. has currently the highest nuclear arsenal in the world with 6970 warheads)
5) Encourage gun use under the 2nd amendment.

There's a lot more but these are a few things he want s to put forth.  These goals are chaotic and very unrealistic.  Building the wall is laughable.  Getting the Mexican people to pay for it is even more hilarious. 

Rounding up 12 million US immigrants and sending them home is immoral, impractical and impossible!  Most of these people are hardworking who do the jobs most Americans don't want to do anyway like driving taxis, being nannies, caretaking etc.  If they go, a large workforce will be terminated.  They probably won't want to go either so they'll be most likely be forced to leave at gun point!  It's a waste of money and deeply immoral.

Sam Harris makes these points very well as well as pointing out that Trump has very destructive views on reality.  Like the notion of human caused global warming is a "Chinese hoax meant to destroy our manufacturing base" (12:12 in youtube podcast, link below).

Given that Trump has a frighteningly little grasp on reality, approves the use of guns and nuclear weapons, wants to spend money destroying Americas workforce and will spend whatever time he has in office spreading his hateful, racist ideology, there's no doubt that this guy is a dangerous candidate to be in the white house.  The American president is one of the most powerful people in the world today.  If Trump is granted this power, I would imagine all hell breaking loose.

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