Tuesday, 23 May 2017

This piece consists of a big egg timer which is captioned "Ireland's Refugee Applications Since 2012" on top and "Applications Accepted.....yeah....." on the bottom.  There has always been an element of sarcasm and satire in my work.  This is why ".... yeah..." was used, as if to say, yeah this is disappointing.  There are 100 dots on top and 3 on the bottom.  Each dot represents a per cent as according to the article I mentioned earlier, Ireland has taken in around 3% of it's refugee applications since 2012.

Out of 22194 applications in 5 years, Ireland has taken in 677 (around 3%), we've rejected 21% and left the rest in Limbo.

Consider a place like Malta which has taken in 3185 people since 2012.  That's nearly 5 times more refugees than Ireland in the same time frame.  Yet Malta has a population less than one tenth of Ireland, a GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 20 times smaller than ours and a landmass 222 times smaller than Ireland's.

Link to that here.

When we compare these two countries, it is clear Ireland isn't doing enough at the moment.

On top of the print it says 128/183 meaning Ireland is the 128th most helpful country on this issue in the world.

On the bottom it says EU 21/30 meaning we are 21st most helpful country in the European Union on the Refugee Crisis in the world.

This wood block basically illustrated the statistics in this UNHCR Report.

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